NEYEDC improve and inform environmental decision making, conservation, land management and sustainable development in North and East Yorkshire through the collation, management, analysis and dissemination of biodiversity information.

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Map of the Month - June 2024

June 2024’s Map of the Month shows the recording zones for a bioblitz at Hell Wath Nature Reserve, as part of the Skell Valley Project!

As part of NEYEDC’s role in supporting naturalists and local groups, we are regularly involved in bioblitz events across the region. June’s Map of the Month shows a map produced for a recent bioblitz at Hell Wath Nature Reserve, as part of the wider Skell Valley Project, showing recording regions within the site. This map was produced in line with recording regions identified at a bioblitz in 2019, which NEYEDC also supported. This year’s bioblitz was a great success, with over 160 species recorded. These can be compared with the site’s 2019 results to understand in part how the site has changed over the last 5 years.

Usually NEYEDC’s role in a bioblitz event, which sees an intense period of recording, usually over one day at a given site, is data-focused. We can help provide support with recording platforms such as iRecord or iNaturalist, create mapping to support organisers, and aid with data input on the day. We can also help provide results outputs such as spreadsheets and records mapping.